Monday 26 November 2007

Dostoyevsky's house

i read once that Dostoyevky ensured that wherever he lived; he could see from his window both a tavern and a church. so as to always be aware of the eternal choices facing 'man'-namely the spiritual and the earthly. from my window i can only see a graveyard... oh with a hospital behind it.


Fred T Lindberg said...

Kafka lived in a house built together (joint) with a church and his bedroom window faced straight in to the church. I.e if you were standing inside of the church and looked on the wall, you could see a little window with maybe Kafkas face in it! said...

It's better than the front of the house with all the screaming scallies.

Joshua Cann said...

Samuel Beckett's house looked onto a graveyard and a mad-house